Excursions in Kiev

Подкатегории:  Welcome to Kiev   Walking Tours   Bus Tours  

  • Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine

    4150 грн

    Продолжительность: 3 hours

    Транспорт: автобус

  • Ancient Kiev

    2500 грн

    Продолжительность: 3 hours

    Транспорт: пешеходная

  • Khreshchatyk-heart of Kiev

    2500 грн

    Продолжительность: 3 hours

    Транспорт: пешеходная

  • Dreamlike Kiev

    3500 грн

    Продолжительность: 3 hours

    Транспорт: пешеходная

Kyiv - hero city on seven hills. And the original inhabitants, visitors and tourists from Ukraine and other countries will be interesting to tour a memorable and beautiful places in this wonderful city. Our company offers a wide variety of excursions in Kyiv, from visiting historical sites, and ending just picturesque places such as the Botanical Gardens, for example. The area of ​​the Kyiv Botanical Garden is 130 acres. During a excursions in Kyiv introduces you to the unique collections of plants, including the most rare, listed in the Red Book.

Historical excursions in Kyiv will give you the opportunity to learn about important historical leaflets of the city, enjoy the atmosphere of antiquity and mystery.

In the city, numerous monuments of Kievan Rus. Guided tour «Kyiv - ancient capital of Kievan Rus» gives a complete overview of the architecture and art of antiquity. You can visit such famous places as Sophia Square, Askold Grave, Dnieper descent, and many others.

In 1941 in Kiev launched a massive battle known as the Kiev Strategic Defensive Operation. This theme is dedicated to tour «The heroic defense of Kyiv». Thanks to what I saw the monuments, memorial plaques and the remains of defensive structures you will be able to fully appreciate the contribution that the Soviet soldiers did to our freedom.

Separate item, which should tell you - this tour, devoted to religious monuments. Kitaevskaya deserts and the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra - this monastery, known around the world. By visiting them you will find comfort and peace of balance, relax from the madding crowd and enjoy the magnificent views.

These and many other excursions in Kyiv broaden my horizons and help to time with benefit and pleasure.