Children's holiday

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  • Chigirin, Saturday, Cold Jar

    1290 грн

    Продолжительность: 1 day

    Транспорт: автобус

  • Romantic weekend in Ukrainian Paris

    1390 грн

    Продолжительность: 2 days

    Транспорт: поезд

  • Baturin - Hetman's Capital

    1300 грн

    Продолжительность: 1 day

    Транспорт: автобус

    Даты выезда: 01.03.2025, 22.03.2025, 12.04.2025, 04.05.2025, 24.05.2025

Not only adults, but children may be interested in trips to Ukraine and Kiev. Children's holiday should be specially organized, not to bore the children monotony and give them the opportunity to relax as well as cultural development. This will help to field trips, organized specifically for children.

If you want to organize a fun and interesting pastime of children, or an unusual birthday party for your child, you will be an excellent option for children's party on ATV . Team Quest Event Network with QuadroQuest developed a new format of the holiday for children of secondary school age. It involves overcoming an obstacle course, a fascinating quest with ATVs and the «well, just about now!» Weapons, and other outdoor activities for children.

It is also important in the development of children and hearing musical culture. On the tour, «The world of musical instruments», everybody can get acquainted with different types of acoustic and electronic instruments and listen to fascinating stories about their origin and use. Children can express their creativity by choosing this guitar, synth, trumpet and many other instruments.

Children's holiday may be accompanied by the receipt of valuable information in an accessible form and with interest. To do this, children are organized excursions to various museums. In Kiev, children can visit the wonderful museum of water. There they talk about how water gets from the reservoirs in our city apartment, how to spend the precious liquid, taken from the rains. The building is surrounded by beautiful park laid yet Empress Elizabeth, in which children can walk and «digest» the information. This and other museums, such as Toy Museum and the Museum of firefighters will not leave indifferent your children, carry away them and give them interesting and useful information.